Chandler Health Hub: Empowering Wellness Through Integrated Care

chandler oklahoma health department

Discover the Vital Role of the Chandler, Oklahoma Health Department in Protecting Your Health

Health is paramount for our well-being and happiness, and the Chandler, Oklahoma Health Department (COHD) is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of our community. With its unwavering commitment to public health, the COHD provides essential services that address our most pressing health concerns.

Addressing Community Health Needs

The COHD recognizes that every community faces unique health challenges, and it strives to tailor its services accordingly. By conducting comprehensive health assessments and collaborating with local healthcare providers, the COHD identifies the most prevalent health concerns and develops targeted programs to address them. These programs may include immunization drives, health screenings, and educational campaigns on disease prevention and healthy lifestyle choices.

A Safeguarding Shield for Our Community

The COHD serves as a vital watchdog for our community, ensuring that the environment we live in is safe and conducive to good health. It monitors water quality, investigates disease outbreaks, and enforces health codes to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. By actively protecting our environment and safeguarding public health, the COHD creates a healthier and safer living environment for all Chandler residents.

Protecting the Health of Future Generations

The COHD is committed to promoting the health and well-being of future generations. It offers a range of services tailored to the needs of children and families, including well-child checkups, vaccinations, and health education programs. By investing in the health of our children today, the COHD is laying the foundation for a healthier tomorrow for our entire community.

In summary, the Chandler, Oklahoma Health Department plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the health and well-being of our community. Through its comprehensive health programs, environmental protection measures, and dedication to child health, the COHD ensures that Chandler residents have access to essential health services, live in a safe and healthy environment, and enjoy a higher quality of life for generations to come.

<strong>Chandler, Oklahoma Health Department: A Comprehensive Guide


The Chandler, Oklahoma Health Department is a vital resource for residents of Lincoln County, providing a wide range of health services and programs designed to promote and protect the health and well-being of the community.

History and Mission

Chandler Oklahoma Health Department Mission

Established in 1946, the department's mission is to "promote health, prevent disease, and protect the environment in Lincoln County."

Services Offered

The Chandler Health Department offers a comprehensive array of services, including:

  • Immunizations: Vaccinations for preventable diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, and tetanus
  • Health screenings: Blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes screenings
  • Infectious disease control: Investigation and management of communicable diseases
  • Environmental health: Inspections of food establishments, water quality monitoring, and vector control
  • Maternal and child health: Prenatal care, well-child checkups, and family planning services
  • Chronic disease management: Support and resources for individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease
  • Health education: Programs and materials on topics such as nutrition, exercise, and disease prevention

Programs and Initiatives

In addition to its core services, the Chandler Health Department also offers a variety of programs and initiatives, including:

  • Community health assessments: Periodic evaluations of the health status and needs of the community
  • Health promotion campaigns: Initiatives to raise awareness about health issues and promote healthy behaviors
  • Chronic disease prevention programs: Classes and support groups for individuals at risk of developing chronic diseases
  • School health programs: Education and screenings for students in Lincoln County schools
  • Workforce wellness programs: Health screenings and educational programs for employees at local businesses

Collaboration and Partnerships

The Chandler Health Department collaborates with numerous other organizations to achieve its goals, including:

  • Local hospitals and clinics
  • State and federal health agencies
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Community groups

These partnerships enable the department to provide a more comprehensive and integrated approach to health and wellness.

Staffing and Funding

The Chandler Health Department is staffed by a team of experienced healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and sanitarians. The department's funding comes from a combination of state, federal, and local sources.

Location and Contact Information

The Chandler Health Department is located at:

210 E Main Street Chandler, OK 74834 (405) 258-3231


The department's building is wheelchair accessible and provides accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

Quality and Accreditation

The Chandler Health Department is committed to providing high-quality health services and has received accreditation from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).

Community Involvement

The Chandler Health Department actively participates in community events and initiatives to promote health and wellness. This includes health fairs, school screenings, and community cleanup projects.

Advocacy and Policy

The department advocates for policies and programs that promote the health and well-being of Lincoln County residents. This involves working with local policymakers and community leaders.


The Chandler, Oklahoma Health Department plays a vital role in protecting and promoting the health of Lincoln County residents. By providing a comprehensive range of services, programs, and initiatives, the department helps to prevent disease, improve health outcomes, and enhance the overall well-being of the community.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the cost of services at the Chandler Health Department? Most services are provided free of charge or at a low cost.
  2. Do I need an appointment to receive services? Appointments are recommended for some services, but walk-ins are welcome for most.
  3. Can I get vaccinations at the Chandler Health Department? Yes, the department offers a variety of vaccinations for preventable diseases.
  4. Does the Chandler Health Department offer childcare? No, childcare is not provided at the health department.
  5. How can I contact the Chandler Health Department? You can reach the department by phone at (405) 258-3231 or by visiting the website at

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